A little sleep in this morning, and then we were up for our hotel breakfast, excited to hike up the hill to Wernigerode castle. Much coffee was consumed (we've really locked into this German filtered coffee thing) as well as cold meats and croissants. Soon we were up and out, with a real spring in our step.
More German breakfast. |
Out we went, and up the winding path towards the castle. It was a nice walk through leafless trees, and soon the beanies were off and the jackets were open. We actually paid to go into the castle proper this time, and that meant access to both the courtyard (impressive) and two floors of interior rooms (beautifully appointed).
Interior courtyard of this amazing castle. |
Unfortunately we weren't permitted to take photos of the interior living areas, but on the first floor we saw the private chapel and the living quarters for the duchess (or whatever she was called). Many of the rooms have been repurposed as a gallery for some of the region's most famous artists, so there was something new to see around each and every corner.
After the first floor was duly explored, sustenance was required, so we adjourned to the in-castle cafe for a little Kaffee und Kuchen. While Clau and I were happy with a dark luxurious chocolate torte, Katrina and Eben went with huge pieces of Apfel Strudel with sahne. Yum.
Kaffee und Kuchen (und Apfel Strudel!) |
Full to the brim with cake, we ventured into the second floor rooms, exploring the huge dining hall with its floor to ceiling paintings of important political meetings throughout early german history, as well as some oil portraiture of some truly ugly dudes. There was opulence on display, as well as suits of armour - even a full scale wooden horse with armour and rider. There was even a full boar taxidermied and hanging upside down as it to be weighed or barbecued.
One final photo before leaving |
With the castle courtyard and interiors explored, we snapped one last family photo in the courtyard and then ventured into the small restaurant inside the outer grounds. We still weren't hungry after gorging on cake, but we had worked up quite a thirst. Paulaner Hefeweizen (unfortunately from the bottle) answered our needs nicely.
Paulaner Hefeweizen in the castle restaurant. |
Rested and thoroughly hydrated, we slowly made our way back down to the town centre. Depressingly, the main square was now almost totally devoid of christmas market stalls. Interestingly, some stalls persisted - and even seemed to be trading! Seems that those stalls operated by businesses in town right outside their normal location were exempt from the shutdown. Eb and I took the opportunity to buy a fat, crispy bratwurst slathered in senf at the first opportunity.
Marktplatz almost completely clear. |
Fat and crispy - just the way we like it! |
After consuming our fatties, we spent a little time searching fruitlessly for ceramic tea-light houses. We left no souvenir or homewares store unturned! Maybe in Goslar? We're starting to lose hope of finding one for our collection. Seeing the Wernigerode rathaus has made me want one of those, but maybe the shops from the Krämerbrücke in Erfurt might also be great. I've vowed to look online if we don't find one soon.
After a small rest back in the hotel we ventured back out to a tiny medieval or fantasy-themed market we had spied while out walking in the afternoon. Now why this small gathering of stalls was still operating was also a mystery. Maybe because they weren't attached to the main christmas market in the beginning? Quite possibly as another knot of other stalls was also operating. Whatever the reason, we were glad they were still going - we grabbed some hot mead in cool dragon pottery before dinner.
Hot mead from the medieval/fantasy market. |
We just had time to stash our pottery mead cups back in the hotel before dinner. For this we headed back to the well - the ratskeller that is! In almost a (welcome) repeat of yesterday lunch we got very jolly on Fransikaner hefeweizen and pork.
Back to the ratskeller to continue our carousing. |
And if two hot meads and a litre of weizen wasn't enough, we just had to head back to the medieval market (surprising still going) for a nightcap of honey likor. Our livers are going to need a rest after this trip!
Back for a nightcap of honey likor |
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